
Elements-cold, electricity,vegetation,fire.

It's cold as hell in Toronto tonight, wind is howling, feels like the middle of winter, all too soon.
Which is probably a good thing, I am guessing that winter coming in so hard and fast, it will burn itself out early. Hoping so anyway... I guess that it is only about -5 celcius, but with the wind feels colder, someone explain windchill, if the air temperature is -5 what possible difference does it make that this air is being moved around? It is still -5 degree air, how does it feel colder?

Tasers, okay they're bad. How do you give someone a toy like this and expect them not to use them? Not excusing the police, but really, who wouldn't use one? Apparently, they practice on each other during taser training, this certainly does not make them seem like dangerous weapons. I mean if someone handed me one, I'd look for someone to shock. Again, who wouldn't? One other thing, are they not intended as replacements for lethal weaponry, in other words if the police didn't have tasers, wouldn't their alternative be to pull out their guns? That would surely result in many more deaths, wouldn't it? If we really want to stop our police from killing people, lets just give them bigger sticks. Never thought that I would be defending police actions, but there you go.

Hooray Riders!!!! Okay not a great game, but Saskatchewan won, and that's good. But really the big question is what's with Lenny Kravitz? Number one, there are all sorts of Canadian acts that one would suppose would love to play on this sort of National stage. Then Lenny plays
'American Woman', I mean he sings it, he must hear the lyrics. Yet he plays it as some sort of anthem to America, sure it's anthemic but in almost exactly the opposite way that he thinks.
Sure Randy and Burton are cashing the royalty cheques, but don't they have some responsibilty to give Lenny a clue?

Didn't see the guy with flames coming out of his head at the game, bummer. the Grey Cup is amazing.

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