
So the day after the election, still a little shocked by the results, though not cataclysmic, still sort of off-putting. Don't really understand what people like about this country, if not that we care for our fellows, that we protect the rights of the less advantaged, that we respect and honour the views and rights of our minortities. that we steadfastly maintain a social safety net that protects our vulverable, that we guard our medicare system, that we open our doors and borders to all who would find like minded people, and that we only ask that you call yourself Canadian, that you identify as one of us. well this is what I love about this country, and Stephan I love hearing the stories, the songs, the images that our artists share with us about our shared and seperate histories. these stories, these images are important because they are our images, they are our stories, Stephan, these stories are us, you can't remove one without lessening the other. and that you don't get this is sad and frightening and unnerving.

going through many of the things that i love, i realize that our prime minister shares none of them, his supporters as well must share few, so how can I be so far off, how can those values that I cherish survive someone for whom I represent a minority, who's rights he has no interest in protceting. i worry.

On a brighter note, we are much closer to a merger with cuba, since our neighbour has gone commie, the jump to cuba should be much shorter now. U.S. commie you ask, well once a country nationalizes it's banks that is as communistic as one gets isn't it? so welcome to the new world, where neo con facsists play loose with the market economy, and cozy up to Marx.


So it's Thanksgiving, happy Thanksgiving to the two people who read this. Much to be thankful for, we live in a land of plenty, where banks, even though they face no crunch will receive 25 billion dollars. Harper claims that our banks are secure, that the American problem is their's alone, yet we need to prop Canadian banks up? Is there a disconnect in logic here? Now simple arithmetic tells us that if the American economy is ten times the size of ours, and they need 700 billion dollars to secure their banks, that we are facing a problem roughly a third the size or the American one. Hardly reassuring. But then again Harper's arithmetic skills have never impressed me.

Have heard a number of people talking about this being the death knell of the capitalistic experiment, it may well be true, the frightening thing about this possibilty is that China will be the emergent economy, and will be on the vanguard of whatever transpires. Hope that they factor in the environment, and how to feed their immense population (as well as the worlds) when whatever replacement economy emerges. In short I hope that China grows a heart.

Our election is tomorrow, a couple of near greens have withdrawn, to make way for the Liberal
candidates, and Elizabeth May has asked near green supporters to consider strategic voting, ie vote for the non Conservative frontrunner in close races. Good for you Ms. May, now would you please do us all a favour, and sign up as a Liberal, it is where your heart lays, and will make less fractious the left in this country. I love Canada, where else would one find a country of this size with four left leaning (I know they don't lean nearly far enough) political parties, facing off against one right wing?? Vote tomorrow, not because Harper is dangerous, not because his policies will cripple this country, not because he will further sell us out to american oil interests, and not because he is a war mongering bastard. No vote tomorrow because I am sick of seeing his idiotic smug face on tv all of the time. This guy looks like the self assured ass in our history class, who didn't have a clue, but couldn't shut his bleeding gob, well let's shut his bleeding gob for him.

Would you take investment advice from him, because had you, you would have lost big.....from tuesday to friday. shheesh. This is a man who admits that his mother knows what's happening on the markets before his Minister of Finance. Stephan, are you sure that you got the right man at the helm. And if you were Jim Flaherty, would you be looking for another job, if your boss made this sort of comment about your capabilities? Please Jim, get your resume out there, please.

Happy thanksgiving everyone, be thankful that nothing is forever, that government policy changes and rarely is catastrophic, nothing is non reversible, and that come Wednesday, we will still be living in the greatest country in the world, albeit maybe one ruled by a class A moron.

There is much to be thankful for.


Haven't done this for a while so here goes.

the election is close, well near at hand, looks like Harper will form another government. can only hope that it is a minority one. Though no one except Elizabeth May seems to be trying. But speaking of Ms May, how does one who speaks for the Green party, talk of managing our pulp and paper industries and make them more profitable. Shouldn't she be hugging trees, not harvesting them?

Why doesn't anyone ask the question of Harper, who insists that the American economic crisis is different from the Canadian, why we continue to tie our wagon to that particular pony? If as he insists, the US is heading for a deep recession, how do we insulate ourselves when they remain our single largest trade partner? What's the plan?

Speaking of the US, they just today passed the bailout bill. Now if you were a borrower who had lost your house due to the ridiculous lending rules that prevailed, and the idiots who lent you the money with no hope of recouping their money get paid off, wouldn't you be pissed that all you got was the satisfaction that you weren't the only one who got taken? Would you be mad enough to sue the government to get your house back? mortgage free? since your indebtedness was relieved? Do I smell a class action law suit that will absolutely drive the final nail into the US ?
this could amount to trillions and trillions, when one adds the punitive damages on. All government and lenders knew that they were lending to unqualified borrowers.....

I'll get back sooner, Harper smarten up, and Stephane and Jack......do something, quick.