
So the day after the election, still a little shocked by the results, though not cataclysmic, still sort of off-putting. Don't really understand what people like about this country, if not that we care for our fellows, that we protect the rights of the less advantaged, that we respect and honour the views and rights of our minortities. that we steadfastly maintain a social safety net that protects our vulverable, that we guard our medicare system, that we open our doors and borders to all who would find like minded people, and that we only ask that you call yourself Canadian, that you identify as one of us. well this is what I love about this country, and Stephan I love hearing the stories, the songs, the images that our artists share with us about our shared and seperate histories. these stories, these images are important because they are our images, they are our stories, Stephan, these stories are us, you can't remove one without lessening the other. and that you don't get this is sad and frightening and unnerving.

going through many of the things that i love, i realize that our prime minister shares none of them, his supporters as well must share few, so how can I be so far off, how can those values that I cherish survive someone for whom I represent a minority, who's rights he has no interest in protceting. i worry.

On a brighter note, we are much closer to a merger with cuba, since our neighbour has gone commie, the jump to cuba should be much shorter now. U.S. commie you ask, well once a country nationalizes it's banks that is as communistic as one gets isn't it? so welcome to the new world, where neo con facsists play loose with the market economy, and cozy up to Marx.

1 comment:

areyawithme? said...

this is my second attempt.

1. You are brilliant.
2. Do you still smoke?
3. I don't understand the Pia love comment. but that's ok.
4. Hello.