
So it seems like much has been altered but little has changed, we remain in limbo, a country without direction, a people with nothing to hold onto. Prorogation is the order of the day. Is my llife also to be prorogued?

We have a new leader of the liberal party, a new leader of the heart of this country, of us. and he seems more interested in proving his intellect, his rightness than he does in engaging in discussion with us. I fear the lot of the country has been thrown to one for whom power is a battle of wits, and not an act of caring. One for whom cold reason replaces compassion and understanding. One who's self interest is paramount. We will see a person intent on outsmarting and out witting his opponent, not one who will demonstrate the power of love and caring.

At this time of year perhaps we should all remember the song written for the poor and unconsidered, which didn't include us at the time. Tears Are Not Enough.

On another note. Since we have all lost big on our RRSP's why not stimulate the economy by freeing up this money, by allowing us all to collapse or withdraw funds without any tax implications. Many of us have lost up to 40% of our monies, and given the opportunity, many would re-invest in short term growth options. many would just spend, maybe on new cars, maybe on North American cars. In any event, the percentage of people willing to spend their savings now might surprise, and might go a long way to stimulating the economy. Just a thought. We could all use something to look forward to. Post prorogation.

In the meantime I will retire to bedlam. Or at any rate my own method of lament.

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